Meet the Client
Plan Physical Therapy is an organization dedicated to sharing research based health options with the world. To present a holistic healthier lifestyle, they reached out to our team to create a multisite that could tie it all together.
As a fitness and health company, they needed a site that could host the different branches they had. Digital Attic worked to create an easy to use website that housed the other sites they provided. Through the site, visitors will find nutritional information, healthy dieting options and meal plans, exercise and access to physical therapy.

Web Design & Development
Digital Attic worked to create a multi-site featuring: Plan Health and Fitness, Plan Life and Wealth, and Plan Financial, and Plan Physical Therapy. The site is user-friendly with awesome graphics and general information about the company and their purpose. The home page serves as the forefront that ties everything together with the links to the other sites being easily accessible. It truly is an interactive site with so much to offer!
Web Hosting
With the big undertaking of the multisite, Plan Physical Therapy knew they needed to keep up with its maintenance and hosting. Through Digital Attic’s hosting packages, they have security updates and support services to ensure their site continues to run safe and secure.