Online Contests
We’re experienced at building and managing a variety of online contests. Some of our largest platforms support millions of players.
Online contests are great marketing tools for driving awareness and capturing valuable customer data.
Why? Because everyone wants to be a winner! By offering customers the opportunity to win something of value, they are willing to engage with you more than they normally would and provide you with a reasonable amount of information.
Online contests are also powerful marketing tools because they are flexible and can be used to support a variety of promotional efforts. They can help marketing campaigns for new product launches, store grand openings, corporate anniversaries, and they can be customized for every holiday. Additionally, online contests can be used internally to support employee incentive programs.
We can create a variety of game types for your next online contest. Some of the more popular contest types we create include online sweepstakes, Facebook contests, photo contests, and PURL (personalized uniform resource locator) programs. Whether you are a multi-billion dollar enterprise or an emerging family-owned business, we can help you create a fun and engaging online contest designed to help you grow your business.