Telling Your Story
See our video marketing services in action
Meet the Client
The Fresno Police Department Regional Training Center is a one of a kind facility in the Central Valley that offers space for various training programs.
Digital Attic worked with the Regional Training Center to develop a brand new site that would serve as a way to schedule trainings and courses more efficiently. We were honored to provide our video services to capture some of these courses in action.

An Inside Look
The Regional Training Center wanted to share some of the activities and training that could take place on the compound. The goal of the video was to offer an inside look into all the place has to offer. The Digital Attic team spent hours getting to know the facility and filming footage of the different areas available. We captured class instruction and presentations in the various smart classrooms, training sessions in the gun ranges, and SWAT training. Aerial footage was used to authentically showcase the large emergency operational pursuit course and the multiple courses that can be set to train for driving obstacles. Whether an agency is looking to book a class, make use of the matt training room, or take a tour of the 3-story sniper tower, this video provides a clear overview of all that can be found at the Regional Training Center.
Tactical Script
The Digital Attic team spent many hours editing the footage into a seamless, polished video that would match the quality and overall attention paid to the entire website. With all the unique shots we captured, it was necessary to present them in such a way that viewers would be able to follow the progression of the video and understand the aspects of the training center that are presented. For that reason, Digital Attic collaborated to create a script that worked to create the video into a more informational one. Graphics were added over some of the footage to provide additional clarity into the courses, spaces, and buildings found at the training center. The finished product was a professional, fast-paced video that mirrored the urgency and high-stakes nature of working in a police agency.