Apply to work at Digital Attic
Our tagline is “Creative people. Smart Marketing.” Fun fact: our company was founded in 1991 before even the very first text message had been sent out. Literally, we have been at the forefront of technology before the internet was even “a thing.”.
We’re looking to have someone join our team that takes pride in being a thought leader in whatever skill set that they’re comfortable in. We not only want to view potential hire’s resume and past work, but we want to pick potential employees’ brain so uploading a cover letter along with your resume is highly encouraged!
A few of the overall qualities that the ideal team member would bring to the table are:
- The ability to use critical thinking skills to work through issues.
- A sense of creativity and open-mindedness.
- The desire to continue growing individually and alongside our company.
- Interest in staying up to date on the latest trends and updates in his or her related field.
- The ability to work both independently and also has the capacity to collaborate with others.
- Possessing the core belief that providing an overall positive and efficient client experience is a priority.
Of course, depending on the position you’re applying for there may be more requirements that reflect the skills that we directly need from you, but we find those candidates that reflect the qualities listed above have found a happy and productive work home.
If you think that you would make a great addition to our team, don’t hesitate to fill out this quick form and send us your information.